October 10, 2024 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners convened at 5:37pm October 10, 2024.
LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
PRESENT: Brenda Penn-Williams, Chair
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Vice Chair John Church, Treasurer
Isaac Walcott, Commissioner
Teneshia Jacobs, Commissioner
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Alison Mukhtar, Director of Operations
Charmaine Davis-Ford, Director of Finance
Lisa Endo, VP of Development
Linda Rolle, Director of Grants
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance
Greg Lickwola, Director of Modernization
Anna Keegan, Director of Policy and MTW
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Sherreida Reid, Partnership Manager
Donna Lattarulo, General Council
Terry Robinson, Nan McKay Consultant
At 5:39 pm, Chair Penn-Williams opened the meeting. Chair Penn-Williams recognized Vice Chair Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer John Church, Commissioner Isaac Walcott, and Commissioner Teneshia Jacobs as present acknowledging the presence of a quorum.
Report of the Secretary:
Mr. Bovilsky presented the following updates:
a. Receipt of the Emergency and Safety Grant (ESSG) funds in the amount of $ 75,000 which will fund security camera installation at Fairfield Avenue and carbon monoxide detector installation at King Kennedy and Main Avenue.
b. On September 9, 2024, HUD announced Qualified Census Tract (QCT) designations for 2025. This designation prioritizes available funding for affordable housing. Notably Meadow Gardens was included in the announcement. This will result in a 30% increase in Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) allocations for Meadow Garden redevelopment. This Qualified Census Tract (QCT) designation allows for increased contingency earned development fees, while reducing the cost of each unit.
c. Leroy Fender reviewed the results of recent NSPIRE property inspections. Mr. Fender stated that NSPIRE is a newly instituted HUD inspection system focusing on health and safety and the interior of individual units, where residents live, in contrast to the previous REAC inspection system which focused on building exteriors and common areas. Mr. Fender explained all Norwalk Housing developments scored well, achieving notably higher results than previous REAC scores.
d. Norwalk Housing partnered with Norwalk Acts, Open Door Shelter and Nuvance to support the Opportunity Youth program and its jobs training initiative STRIVE. This program is designed for young adults, ages 18-26, who are not pursuing college and lack a clear career path. Fifteen out of twenty identified Norwalk Housing youth attending the STRIVE Office Training module secured an opportunity to be trained for full-time jobs aligning with a career path at Norwalk Hospital.
e. The possible purchase and development of the EVEN hotel has halted. Currently, without the endorsement of the Opening Doors of Fairfield County, local homeless services collaborative, we are unable to apply for the HUD grant necessary to move this project forward.
f. Major projects currently undertaken by Norwalk Housing include:
- Plans for purchasing 32 Haviland Street are progressing, although the process has been slow due to environmental issues related to the property's prior use.
- Demolition of Meadow Gardens scheduled 11/ 2024
- New software installation transitioning to PHA Web starting 11/2024
- Opening of Oak Grove 3/2025
- Strategic planning 2025
g. Upcoming events and Board meetings include:
- October 11, Hispanic Heritage month celebration at 20 West Learning Center
- October 18, 6:00pm Freedom Fund Banquet, The Water's Edge at Giovanni's
- October 31, 4:00-5:00pm Learning Center Trick or Treat at Central Office
- November 14, and December 12, Regular Board of Commissioners meetings
Public Hearing/ Public Comment period:
Chair Brenda Penn-Williams opened the Public Hearing for Public Comment regarding:
a. Norwalk Housing Authority 5-Year Plan 2025-2029
b. The Norwalk Housing Authority 2025 Annual Plan, including Admissions and Continued Occupancy Plan (ACOP) and Administrative Plan Change
c. Moving to Work (MTW) Supplement beginning fiscal year 04/01/2025
At 6:00pm, receiving no comments written or verbal, Chair Penn-Williams closed the Public Hearing and Public Comment period.
Staff reported on some positive comments from meetings with the advocates and the Resident Advisory Board during the public comment period.
New Business:
30-55 Treasurer Church moved to approve:
a. Norwalk Housing Authority 5-Year Plan 2025-2029
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
30-56 Commissioner Isaac Walcott moved to approve:
b. Norwalk Housing Authority 2025 Annual Plan to include Admissions and Continued Occupancy Plan (ACOP) and Administrative Plan Changes.
Treasurer Church seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
30-57 Vice Chair Bermudez-Montgomery moved to approve:
c. Norwalk Housing Moving to Work (MTW) supplement - beginning fiscal year 04/01/2025.
Commissioner Teneshia Jacobs seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovilsky thanked Terry Robertson of Nan McKay for assisting Anna Keegan with the 5-year Plan, Annual Plan and MTW supplement.
Ms. Robertson left the meeting at 6:10pm.
The next two items were taken out of order.
Adam Bovilsky handed the meeting over to Lisa Endo who explained that Sound Communities is seeking a $500,000 bridge loan from Norwalk Housing to cover initial soft costs associated with the redevelopment of Meadow Gardens Phase 1. She noted that this money will be funded back to NHA in May or June of 2025.
30-58 Treasurer Church moved to approve:
f. $500,000 bridge loan from Norwalk Housing to Sound Communities
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Charmaine Davis-Ford stated the funds for this bridge loan have been isolated and the payback date confirmed.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovilsky turned the meeting over to Greg Lickwola to present staff recommendation for architectural services needed by Norwalk Housing for replacing bathrooms at John Shostak and boilers at Irving Freese. Mr. Lickwola stated that out of the three proposals submitted Archidesign Group was selected for their relevant experience, ability to meet deadlines, strong references, competitive fee structure and previous work with the Norwalk Housing Authority.
30-59 Treasurer Church moved to approve:
g. Archidesign Group's bid of $47,500 to provide architectural services for the replacement of bathrooms at John Shostak Apartments and boiler replacement at Irving Freese.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
30-60 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:
h. Commissioners and staff to attend PHADA Commissioners Conference January 5-8, 2025, to be held at the Hyatt Regency in Miami Florida at a room rate of $245 per night plus taxes and fees and a conference early bird registration cost of $525 per member.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
All in Favor. Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovilsky handed the meeting over to Lisa Endo, who introduced items d. and e.
Ms. Endo presented the sources and uses for the new construction at Meadow Gardens. She highlighted that in addition to referenced funding sources Norwalk Housing/Sound Communities intends to support the financing of Meadow Gardens by issuing tax exempt bonds in an amount up to $25 million. Robinson + Cole has agreed to serve as bond counsel on this initiative.
30-61 John Church moved to approve:
d. Meadow Garden Bond Inducement in an amount up to $25,000,000
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
Ms. Endo presented Meadow Gardens Affordability Restrictions which comply with the City of Norwalk's Workforce Housing Requirements. Affordability compliance regulations require that for Meadow Gardens to maintain its "workforce" affordability status, 10% of units must be restricted to households earning up to 80% of State Median Income (SMI) in perpetuity. At Meadow Gardens this will translate into thirty units. She stated that our lawyers at Carmody have drafted the attached resolution stating Meadow Gardens will comply with these requirements.
30-62 Treasurer Church moved to approve:
e. Resolution granting Meadow Gardens affordability restrictions "in perpetuity."
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
30-63 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:
i. Minutes of Meeting September 19, 2024
Treasurer Church seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovislky introduced Charmaine Davis Ford to present the Finance Departmental Report. She noted that the finance department is collaborating with tenants with outstanding balances, fifty-four households in June and 51 households in July, are under repayment agreements. She also reviewed the operating statements for these locations, highlighting contributions to reserves.
Mr. Bovilsky then turned the meeting over to Alison Mukhtar, Director of Operations.
Ms. Mukhtar presented her Operations Departmental Report. She commented on the status of Special Purpose Vouchers and Public Housing Vacancies:
• VASH Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Vouchers - (23) nineteen being utilized.
• FUP Family Unifications Vouchers - (7) six are being utilized
• FYI Foster Youth Independence - (4) two being utilized, two in process.
• Mainstream - 110 (107) utilized, one looking and two available
• Public Housing - 12 vacancies
Ms. Mukhtar stated that NHA is utilizing all available vouchers and Public Housing units. She noted the Colonial Village waiting list will close on September 30, and the Senior Waiting List will close on October 11. She also provided a detailed update on the Envision Center, covering grant receipts, new hires, programs offerings and Family Self Sufficiency FSS participation.
30-64 Treasurer Church moved to approve:
j. Department Reports
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovilsky then introduced the Addendum regarding Procurement Policies and Procedures Training.
30-65 Treasurer Church moved to approve the Addendum:
k. Guillermo Bendana to attend A H Forward Housing, The Future of Affordable Housing, Procurement & Policy Training, October 17th, Webinar 1:00-4:00 EST at a cost of $179.00
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
Staff not involved in the Executive Session left the meeting. Charmaine Davis-Ford and Lisa Endo remained as they would be attending the Executive Session.
30-66 Treasurer Church moved to adjourn to the Executive Session to discuss potential litigation.
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
At 8:06pm
30-67 Treasurer Church moved to exit the Executive Session.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott, Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
30-68 Commissioner Walcott moved to:
Proceed with litigation as described in Executive Session
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion.
Mr. Bovilsky called for a vote:
Chair Penn-Williams voted - AYE
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery voted -AYE
Treasurer Church voted - AYE
Commissioner Walcott voted - AYE
Commissioner Jacobs voted - AYE
All in favor. Motion was carried.
30-69 Treasurer Church made a motion to approve procurement of legal counsel to support potential litigation discussed in the Executive Session.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. Motion was carried.
30-70 Commission Jacobs moved to adjourn the meeting.
Chair Penn-Williams seconded the motion. All in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:08pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director