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CNI Implementation Coordinating Committee By-Laws

South Norwalk Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant


Section 1. Name
The Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Coordinating Committee (ICC) was established in the Partnership Legal Contract between the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk (NHA), the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency (NRA), Trinity/Washington Limited Partnership (Trinity), Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU), and Stepping Stones Museum for Children, Inc. (SSMC). This legal contract was executed by the above parties on August 30, 2013 and submitted with the 2013 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) Implementation Application in September 2013. A $30 million CNI implementation grant was awarded to NHA as Lead Applicant and NRA as Co-Applicant on June 30, 2014, thereby effectuating the formation of the

Section 2. Purpose
The ICC provides a collaborative forum for implementing the South Norwalk Transformation Plan as detailed in the 2013 CNI Implementation Grant application. The ICC is responsible for coordinating activities and providing strategic guidance for the implementation of the components of the Transformation Plan, and adhering to the schedule and budget as included in the Implementation Grant application and amended, as needed.


Section 1. Members
Per the Partnership Legal Contract, the ICC is initially comprised of:

  • NHA Representative
  • NRA Representative
  • Washington Village Resident Representative
  • South Norwalk Business Representative
  • South Norwalk Elected Official (District B Council Representative)
  • Norwalk Community College Representative (as Anchor Institution)

These representatives will nominate a Chairperson for the ICC, who shall not be NHA or NRA related.

Section 2. New Members/Replacements/Resignation
The ICC membership can be expanded as appropriate to foster a collaborative implementation process and to ensure the community has a voice in the implementation effort. Members may
appoint a stand-in to participate in meetings if the ICC member is unavailable to attend. The stand-in must be affiliated with the representative entity. The stand-in has the right to vote on
behalf of the ICC member s/he is representing.

If ICC members consistently and repeatedly do not attend meetings, the ICC Chairperson, representing the majority interest of the ICC members, can request resignation, substitution, or more regular attendance.

Section 3. Quorum for Voting Purposes

  1. At least 50% of ICC members must be present at a meeting to constitute a quorum.
  2. All ICC members will have one vote.
  3. The affirmative vote of a majority of ICC members in attendance, either in person or via telephone, is necessary to decide a question or matter brought for vote. In the event of a tie vote, the ICC Chairperson casts the deciding vote.

Section 4. Final Decision-making Authority
The ICC is committed to implementing the Transformation Plan in a collaborative, consensusoriented manner where possible, however, in the event of any disputes or disagreements, the ICC will refer the disputed issue to parties with final decision-making authority. NHA shall retain the final decision-making authority with respect to decisions dealing with the People and Education components. NRA shall retain the final decision-making authority with respect to the Neighborhood component. Final decision-making authority with respect to the Housing component will rest with NHA, in consultation with NRA and Trinity. Any substantial deviation from the Housing component as described in the Transformation Plan and the Application, including substantial changes in unit numbers and/or types, shall be approved by the NHA Board and Norwalk's Common Council.

Parties with final decision-making authority must provide written notice to the ICC regarding what final action is to be taken and the justification for such action.


Section 1. Regular Meetings
The ICC will meet on a regular basis and with greater frequency during the initial 18 month implementation start-up period. The goal is to meet at least monthly in these initial months and then to determine frequency as needed during the remaining four year implementation period.

Section 2. Special Meetings
Special meetings can be scheduled on an as needed basis to address time-sensitive issues and to ensure a quorum is available for voting purposes.

Section 3. Posting of Meeting Agendas and Minutes
The CNI Project Director will be responsible for scheduling and facilitating ICC meetings and for preparing meeting agendas and meeting minutes to document discussions and decisions. Postings of meeting agendas and minutes will occur in accordance with NHA's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requirements for regular and special meetings. Agendas and meeting minutes will be posted on the Choice Neighborhoods website with links to this website appearing on the Norwalk Housing Authority and Norwalk Redevelopment Agency websites. Documents or other information to be discussed at ICC meetings must be sent to ICC members via email a minimum of two business days in advance of the scheduled meeting.


Section 1. Changes to Plan Components: Neighborhood, Housing, People, Education
The ICC will be responsible for reviewing the progress of implementation, addressing any obstacles to timely implementation of the activities required under the HUD CNI Grant, and identifying any needed changes to the Transformation Plan resulting from unforeseen conditions or new priorities. Any meaningful change or substantial modification to the Transformation Plan as detailed in the CNI Implementation Application must be reviewed and voted on by the ICC . Proposed changes and modifications must be consistent with the goals of the Transformation Plan, Grant Agreement, and other applicable agreements.

Section 2. Project Schedule
Each regular ICC meeting will include a review of the progress on the Transformation Plan schedule as submitted to HUD. The Project Director will be responsible for identifying solutions to any delays or obstacles to progress that arise during the implementation period, and for presenting such recommended solutions to the ICC for review and approval.

Section 3. Project Budget
The initial Project budget as submitted in the CNI Implementation application will be reviewed by the ICC. Any significant CNI budget changes, as defined by more than a 10% increase or decrease in a budget line item, must be reviewed and approved by the ICC. Budget requests for and/or budget changes to CNI grant funds, including the movement of grant funds from one HUD Budget Line Item (BLI) to another, requires HUD approval.

Section 4. Community Engagement
The ICC will be responsible for ensuring opportunities for broad community and stakeholder input are provided during implementation. Advisory groups will continue to provide advisory and review services throughout the implementation period, as described in the Partnership Agreement executed for the CNI Implementation application. An annual summit will be
scheduled for all parties and the broader community to review progress made against proposed outcomes and to fine tune the strategies, as needed, to achieve the desired outcomes.


Section 1. Responsibility of CNI Project Director
The CNI Project Director, under the guidance of the ICC, will oversee the CNI staff and contractors charged with day-to-day implementation activities. The Project Director is responsible for monitoring all CNI grant activities to assure the Neighborhood, Housing, People and Education component activities are programmed, planned, and executed properly within the terms of the Grant Agreement and within budgetary constraints.

Section 2. CNI Staffing
Under the ICC's guidance, CNI-funded staff/contractors will carry out the day-to-day activities associated with implementing the Transformation Plan. This support staff includes the CNI
Project Director, the CNI People Coordinator, the CNI Neighborhood Coordinator, HOU's Project Manager, the CNI Education Coordinator, Trinity's Project Manager, and the CNI Program Manager/Technical Advisor.

  1. These CNI-funded hires will be NHA staff positions reporting to the CNI Project Director, who in turn reports to NHA's Executive Director.
  2. A committee will review resumes and interview finalist candidates for the CNI -funded staff positions. Recommendations for each position will be reviewed and approved by the ICC prior to NHA extending an offer of employment.
  3. The ICC will have the opportunity to interview in person recommended candidate(s) for the CNI Project Director position.

Section 3. Staff/Contractor Performance
The CNI Project Director will be responsible for monitoring staff and contractor performance and bringing any issues or concerns regarding performance to the ICC for review and recommended action.

Section 4. Choice Neighborhoods Office
A CNI office will be established in the South Norwalk neighborhood for the duration of the implementation period.

ICC BY-LAWS October 24, 2014 REVISED