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December 6, 2023 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting

The Special Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners convened at 5:45pm December 6, 2023.

LOCATION: Norwalk Housing Central Offices and ZOOM 
PRESENT: Brenda Penn-Williams, Chair
Liza Bermudez-Montgomery, Vice Chair
Isaac Walcott, Treasurer
John Church, Commissioner 
Teneshia Jacobs, Commissioner (via ZOOM)
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Lisa Endo, VP of Development (arrived at 5:46pm)
Nicole Ruffin (via ZOOM) 
Charmaine Davis-Ford (via Zoom)
Donna Lattarulo, General Council  

Roll Call:

At 5:45pm, Chair Penn-Williams convened the meeting, recognizing the attendance of Vice Chair Liza Bermudez-Montgomery, Treasurer Walcott, Commissioner Church, and Commissioner Jacobs.  Chair Penn-Williams noted a quorum was established. 

New Business: 
Discussion and/or approval of:

Adam Bovilsky ceded the floor to Lisa Endo.  Ms. Endo stated that tonight she was asking for the Board's approval to select a general contractor for Meadow Gardens. AP Construction is the recommended choice due to various factors: their competitive pricing, extensive experience in affordable housing projects, a positive rapport with the City of Norwalk Building Department and an existing working relationship with Sound Communities as the General Contractor on the Oak Grove Project. 

20-25  Commissioner Church moved to approve:

a. Selection of AP Construction as the General Contractor (GC) for Meadow Gardens 

Treasurer Walcott seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Liza Bermudez-Montgomery
Treasurer  Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

Ms. Endo then requested that in the interest of the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk and its mission to provide quality housing and educational opportunities to low-income individuals and families that the board authorize Sound Communities, Inc. submit an application to the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development for up to $6,200,000 to assist with re-development of Meadow Gardens Learning Center and Meadow Garden affordable housing.

20-26 Commissioner Church made a motion to:

b. Authorize the application for a $6.2M Community Investment Fund (CIF) grant for Meadow Gardens Learning Center, and affordable housing. 

Ms. Endo stated the Learning Center was projected to serve 30 students.  Results of the grant application should be received in March of 2024. 

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Liza Bermudez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

At 6:01pm Lisa Endo left the meeting. 

Mr. Bovilsky turned the meeting over to Nicole Ruffin to discuss the process and criteria for proposing Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey LLP as NHA outside legal counsel for Labor and Employment Law. 

20-27 Chair Penn-Williams made a motion to approve:

c. Selection of Carmody Torrence Sandak & Hennessey LLP to provide Norwalk Housing with Labor and Employment Legal Counsel.

Treasurer Walcott seconded the motion.

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Liza Bermudez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

At 6:07 Nicole Ruffin left the meeting.

Adam Bovilsky turned the meeting over to Attorney Lattarulo and at 6:08 Mr. Bovilsky left the meeting. 

Attorney Lattarulo requested that one of the Commissioners make a motion to move into the Executive Session.

20-28 Commissioner Church made a motion to:

Adjourn to an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the Executive Director's contract.

Chair Penn-Williams seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Liza Bermudez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

At 8:25pm

Commissioners returned from the Executive Session. 

20-29 Commissioner Church moved to approve:

The Executive Directors contract as discussed in the Executive Session. 

Treasurer Walcott seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Liza Bermudez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church

All in favor.  Motion was carried. 

Treasurer Walcott made a motion to adjourn the meeting. 

Chair Penn-Williams seconded the motion. 

All in Favor.   The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

Respectfully Submitted, 

 Adam Bovilsky 
 Executive Director