9/3/2024 RFP Removal and Replacement 40 bathrooms John Stostak Apartments / Irving Freese boilers and D.H.W. tanks 6 buildings
The Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk (NHA) is seeking RFPs from Architectural and Engineering firms for the following project:
John Shostak Apartments:
Removal and replacement of 40 bathrooms.
Irving Freese Apartments:
Removal and replacement of boilers and D.H.W tanks in 6 buildings
One (1) original and two (2) bound copies of your complete response to this RFP must be delivered to:
Mr. Greg Lickwola, Construction Manager
Norwalk Housing Authority
P.O. Box 508, 241/2 Monroe Street Norwalk, CT 06854
Responses must be clearly marked on the outside of the package referencing ARCHITECTURE SERVICES - JOHN STOSTAK APARTMENTS/IRVING FREESE APARTMENTS. Responses received at any other location than the aforementioned or after the Response Submission Date and time shall be deemed non-responsive and shall not be considered.
Each proposal shall contain the following information:
1. A listing of similar projects completed by your firm. Please indicate proposed costs, actual construction costs and dates completed.
2. A listing of previous experience with Federal (HUD) and/or State governmental agencies if not listed in one herein above.
3. Identification of the project team, including contract administration specialist that would be assigned to this project and what projects in one (1) and two (2) above project members were involved in.
4. List of similar projects completed within the last five (5) years and original and actual project schedule and budgets.
5. Detailed schedule showing preparation of bid documents, construction administration (listing number of site visits and job meetings); estimated time of construction period until close-out.
6. Fixed Fee.
These projects will require the following services from the selected professional. These services include thorough investigation of the site and related conditions, meetings and discussions with Housing Authority personnel, regarding solutions, schedules, cost estimates, etc., preparation of reports, etc. through project completion and final closeout. The Norwalk Housing Authority will rely on the selected professional for guidance on making decisions regarding the scope of work, budgeting of money and time, and scheduling.
Because these funds are Federal, the Authority must adhere to an extremely tight schedule of obligating these funds. Therefore, the Architect/Engineer must be prepared to complete final drawings and go out to bid within 45 calendar days after contract signing.
John Shostak Apartments is a federal elderly complex consisting of 40 apartments, all 1 bedroom. There are 4 separate buildings. The buildings were built in 1971 and are 2 story-wood frame construction with brick exterior. The Authority would like to have all three projects listed below to go out as one bid package
Bathrooms- It is the NHA's intent to remove and replace all the tubs/ showers, cabinets, countertops, lighting fixtures, repainting of bathroom, sinks, and flooring in all these apartments. There are two (2) designated Handicap units that will meet ADA requirements as part of these renovations.
Irving Freese Apartments is a federal elderly complex consisting of 60 apartments. There are 6 buildings built in the early 1967 and are 2-story-brick buildings
Boilers/H.W.H.- Remove all the existing boilers and domestic hot water tanks including circulating pumps, values, etc. and sump pumps in all the buildings. The NHA will be selecting an Architect/Engineer to lead us through the removal and replacement of boilers and hot water heaters for these buildings. This will include a thorough analysis of the existing conditions, recommendation / selection of replacement boilers and hot water heater types, that will meet energy incentives from Eversource for rebates.
Thorough field investigations are expected of the selected professional. This will include a thorough analysis of the existing conditions, recommendations / products, preparing contract documents for public bidding, contractor selection, and contract administration of the construction contract. NHA will provide as built drawings if available to the selected professional. Proposals for these projects are to be submitted on Tuesday September 24, 2024 @ 11:00 am. For further information, please send email to Mr. Greg Lickwola, Construction Manager, at glickw@norwalkha.org
The award of this contract will be on an overall rating with the highest rated firm being selected. If the Authority cannot agree upon the fixed fee with the highest rated firm the Authority will go to the next highest rated.
1. Previous experience with similar or related projects which were successful.
2. Size of firm and experience and qualifications of designated design team.
3. Experience with projects that were funded by governmental agencies, specifically HUD projects.
4. Ability to prepare bid documents within (60 days); complete the project within budgetary constraints; provide sufficient contract administration and manage time constraints though construction.
5. Firm fixed fee
All procurement decisions shall be at the sole discretion of the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk. The Housing Authority reserves the right to waive any minor irregularities in any response when this action appears to be in its best interest.
Prior to signing a contract with the Norwalk Housing Authority, the architect or engineer shall furnish evidence of the following forms of insurance from a company with B+ or better rating in the current edition of Best's Rating Guide which must be maintained through completion of construction.
1.Professional Liability - Minimum Coverage $500,000.00.
2. Comprehensive General Liability with broad form Comprehensive General Liability endorsement and auto (non-owned and hired) Minimum Coverage $1,000,000.00.
3. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Minimum coverages: $100,000.00 each employee, $500,000.00 policy limit.
4. Automotive Liability (owned vehicles) if applicable. Minimum Coverage $1,000,000.00.
5. Valuable Papers Destruction Policy in an amount sufficient to cover loss or damage to originals or reproductions, whether they be tracings, blueprints, specifications, manuscripts, data, disks, etc.
6. The engineer must provide a copy of each applicable policy to the Authority. Binders are not acceptable. Insurance coverage must be maintained until completion of the project. All insurances must include the following endorsements:
24-1/2 Monroe Street
South Norwalk, CT 06854
The Norwalk Housing Authority requires final construction documents to be submitted on both hard copies ready for reproduction and printing and an electronic copy for Norwalk Housing Authority files. Also, at the completion of the job, as-built drawings are to be submitted on both hard copies and on disk or other electronic method to the Norwalk Housing Authority.
The successful bidder will be required to execute the standard contract agreement between Owner and Design Professional (HUD FORM 51915).
Adam D. Bovilsky
The Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk is an Equal Opportunity Employer