January 28, 2020 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk was held at 6:00 PM Tuesday, January 28, 2020.
Central Offices
24 ½ Monroe Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Jeffrey Ingraham, Vice Chairman
Sheri Brown, Treasurer (arrived at 6:40)
Rahoul Dupervil, Commissioner
Brenda Penn-Williams, Commissioner
Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Thomas Hickey, Director of Finance
Kras Carlucci, Director of Operations
Kara Capone, Director of Grants & Development
Joe Francis, Acting Director of Maintenance
Greg Lickwola, Construction Manager
Tom Ivers, CNI Director
Wendy Gerbier, Director NHA Learning Center
Tianna Brown, Assistant Learning Center Director
Leigh Morfoot, Kinobserver
Jason Morfoot, Kinobserver
Meeting began at 6:10 PM.
Adam Bovilsky opened the meeting. Commissioner Dupervil, Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams and Vice Chair Ingraham were in attendance and the presence of a quorum was established. Vice Chair Ingraham requested a moment of silence in memory of Cesar Ramirez. Vice Chair Ingraham then took the floor as the acting chair.
New Business:
For administrative purposes, availability of staff, Mr. Bovilsky recommended first reviewing:
i. RFP for 20 Learning Center Services.
A discussion regarding the significance of administrative costs and the Learning Center benefits followed.
At 6:37, Commissioner Brown arrived.
Vice Chair Ingraham pointed out that no vote was necessary to publish an RFP and suggested that staff proceed.
The meeting returned to the Report of the Secretary. During the announcement of upcoming meetings, the NHA Regular Board meeting date was moved to the 2nd Thursday of the month. This will be announced to the City of Norwalk and updated on the NHA website.
Old Business:
16-53 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
a. Renewal of 2-year contract between the Human Services Council and the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk for the management of Ludlow Commons.
Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Kras Carlucci confirmed Ludlow Commons residents and Norwalk Housing are satisfied with services provided by HSC and therefore recommended extending the contract for another 2 years.
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Ingraham
All if favor. Motion was carried.
16-54 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
b. CNI Program Income Budget
Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Tom Ivers stated this budget reflected allocation of CNI program income funds as a component of the remaining grant.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in Favor. Motion carried.
16-55 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
c. CNI Grant Budget
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.
Tom Ivers confirmed this budget reflected fund realignment as portion of the Choice Neighborhood Grant closeout strategy.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All if favor. Motion was carried.
16-56 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve
d. Authorizing the signing of the license of Ryan Park Artwork.
Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Donna Lattarulo took the floor stating she had reviewed the licensing contract. As Ryan Park is portion of the CNI Redevelopment yet owned by the City of Norwalk the license should be amended so that NHA does not take on additional obligations beyond the previously promised $100,000 of CNI fund and also so that the NHA does not take on additional responsibilities toward maintenance or upkeep of the art work.
Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve with changes as recommended by attorney Lattarulo.
Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
16-57 Commissioner Penn-Williams moved to ratify:
e. Change order to Stanley Construction in the amount of $56,955.
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.
Greg Lickwola confirmed these additional costs were incurred during renovation of Roodner Court kitchen plumbing and plaster walls.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All In favor. Motion was carried.
16-58 Commissioner Brown moved to ratify:
g. Tianna Brown's tuition assistance at Quinnipiac University, Spring Semester 2020.
Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-59 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:
h. October 22 & 30 Minutes
Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Dupervil
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-60 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:
i. November/ December Department Reports
Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
New Business:
Vice Chair Ingraham requested that Adam Bovilsky run the elections to avoid any appearance of a conflict. Mr. Bovilsky reminded Commissioners that as they have previously voted to have the Norwalk Housing Foundation Officers mirror the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Officers, that this election is for both. j. Election to fill vacant officer positions
16-61 Commissioner Penn-Williams nominated Rev. Ingraham as Chair.
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Ingraham
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-62 Commissioner Brown nominated Brenda Penn-Williams as Vice Chairman
Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried. Commissioner Brown will remain Treasurer.
16-63 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:
k. Resolution authorizing the Executive Director, Adam Bovilsky, to instruct the Department of Housing and Urban Development to deposit all Norwalk Housing Authority Section 8 funds into Webster bank account #1918084898.
Commissioner Pen-Williams seconded the motion.
Tom Hickey requested this authorization for administrative purposes.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-64 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
m. Commissioners and Staff to attend NAHRO WASHINGTON CONFERENCE to be held in Washington D.C, March 29-31, 2020.
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-65 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:
n. Commissioner and Staff to attend NERC NARO MIDWINTER CONFERENCE at Mohegan Sun Convention Center, Uncasville CT Feb. 2-5, 2020.
Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-66 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
m. Kras Carlucci to attend Multi Family 4350 HUD Training Feb 11-14.
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.
Ms. Carlucci stated this training is necessary maintain NHA compliance with HUD revisions.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-67 Commissioner Brown moved to ratify:
m. Kara Capone to attend Public Housing Management Training January 13-17 in Ft Lauderdale Florida.
Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-68 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:
q. December 10, 2019 minutes.
Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-69 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:
r. Department Reports
Commissioner Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
16-70 Commissioner Brown moved to approve addendum:
Thomas Hickey and Paul Modugno to attend BDO's Intermediate Reporting and Budgeting Workshop to be held at the BDO office in Nashville TN, March 25-27
Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.
Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
All in favor. Motion was carried.
Adam Bovilsky noted Norwalk Housing would be advertising a Public Hearing March 26, 2020 for the purpose of approving the 2020 Annual Plan.
Chairman Ingraham moved to adjourn the meeting. All in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director/Secretary