January 13, 2022 Board Minutes
Minutes of Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners was held at 6:00pm Thursday January 13, 2022.
LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
PRESENT: Jeffery A. Ingraham, Chair
Brenda Penn-Williams, Vice Chair
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer
Rahoul Dupervil, Commissioner
Angela Wasunna, Commissioner
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Paul Modugno, Acting Director of Finance
Anna Keegan, Director of Housing Operations
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Greg Lickwola, Director of Modernization
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance
Donna Lattarulo, Legal Counsel
Meeting began at 6:04 PM
Chairman Ingraham opened the meeting via Zoom and recognized the following present - Vice Chair Brenda Penn-Williams, Treasurer Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil and Commissioner Angela Wasunna. He then acknowledged the existence of a quorum. Chairman Ingraham turned the meeting over to Adam Bovilsky to present the Secretaries Report for December 2021 and January 2022.
Secretaries Report -
Mr. Bovilsky presented the following November and December updates:
- Extended a welcome to the new Norwalk Housing Commissioner, Angela Wasunna.
- Thanks to Lisa Rogers and her staff, the Bridgeport Rescue Mission, and the Norwalk Police Department for completion of another successful Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway.
- Norwalk Housing had received both a ROSS and FSS grant which will fund 3 staff positions specifically designed to assist residents in improving their job skills and financial wellbeing.
- COVID19 update - Mr. Bovilsky stated during the last week 1,000 COVID at home test kits and KN95 masks were Public Housing residents. These kits and masks were provided to NHA by the Norwalk Health Department.
- Updates to the exterior of the Norwalk Housing Authority central office - painting and new signage have been completed. The ramp will be updated in the spring.
- Colonial Village modernization is moving ahead - noting this project is in Phase 6 of 18 phases.
- Mr. Bovilsky stated the NHA General Council Donna Lattarulo had requested a change in Board meeting time from 6:00pm to 5:30pm (keeping it on the second Thursday of each month). Commissioners all agreed this time change would work well with their schedules. Next month's meeting will be held at 5:30pm.
- Upcoming meeting dates/times - 5:30pm February 10, 2022 & 5:30pm March 10, 2022
New Business:
18-10 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
a. The award of a contract in the amount of $215,000 for the installation of security cameras, lighting, fencing and entry doors at King Kennedy Apartments to M & R Contractors of Farmington CT.
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Commissioners discussed utilization of current camera systems. Mr. Bovilsky stated they served to prevent criminal activity and are used following incidents by the Norwalk Police Department.
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Angela Wasunna
All in favor. Motion was carried.
18-11 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
b. Minutes of December 09, 2021.
Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Angela Wasunna
All in favor. Motion was carried.
18-12 Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams moved to approve:
c. Department Reports
Commissioner Angela Wasunna seconded the motion.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Angela Wasunna
All in favor. Motion was carried.
At 7:02 Commissioners moved to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director