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Minutes January 18, 2024

Minutes of Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners convened at 5:38pm February 08, 2024.

LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
PRESENT: Brenda Penn-Williams, Chair
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Vice Chair
Isaac Walcott, Treasurer
John Church, Commissioner 
Teneshia Jacobs, Commissioner
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Alison Mukhtar, Director of Operations
Lisa Endo, VP of Development 
Linda Rolle, Director of Grants
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers 
Greg Lickwola, Director of Modernization
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance                                                                                 
Charmaine Davis Ford, Director of Finance
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Donna Lattarulo, General Council  

PUBLIC ATTENDING: Arthur Greenblatt, Vesta Inc.

Roll Call:

At 5:36pm, Chair Penn-Williams convened the meeting, recognizing the attendance of Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer Walcott, Commissioner Church, and Commissioner Jacobs as present. Chair Penn-Williams noted that all commissioners were present and that a quorum was established. 

Report of the Secretary:

Mr. Bovilsky solicited feedback and presented the following updates:

a. January 7-10, 2024, three (3) Commissioners and four (4) staff members attended the PHADA conference in San Diego.  Commissioners agreed they benefited from interacting with housing professionals attending the conference. Some Commissioners noted concerns about the quality of programming and logistics.

b. On Thursday December 21, 2023, at the Envision Center the Learning Centers hosted their annual holiday event. Santa Claus, students, and many family members attended. Each child went home with a toy.

c. As a result of our participation in HUD's MTW program, we have accumulated $1.7 million in HUD reserves specifically for participants of this program. Receipt of this additional funding has allowed NHA to cover additional routine and non-routine expenditures. 

d. January 19, 2024, a "continuing resolution" (short-term Federal Government funding extension) passed, averting a partial government shutdown.  The next funding deadline for THUD is March 1, 2024.  As this budget significantly affects our funding, Housing remains vigilant in monitoring the potential impact of a government shutdown on our agency. 

e. In addition to the dates of upcoming board meetings February 8th @5:30 and March 14th at 5:30 via ZOOM, Chair Penn-Williams, and Mr. Bovilsky have proposed two additional topics for discussion outside of regular board meetings.  One of these topics involves a "deep dive" into the learning center finances, while the other pertains to a formal, in person Commissioner training. Commissioners agreed to allocate time for these discussions on February 15th from 6:00-8:00pm and March 26th from 9:30pm-4:00pm.

Old Business: 

As requested by the Commissioners during the December 19, 2023, meeting, Mr. Bovilsky introduced Art Greenblatt of Vesta Inc. to present additional drawings detailing the planned Monterey Village renovations. The proposed upgrades encompass the modernization of ADA units, installation of new landscaping, reconfiguring open spaces, installation of new heating systems and replacement of all flooring, kitchens, and bathrooms.   Additionally, Mr. Greenblatt presented a proposed construction timeline.  NHA Commissioners raised questions concerning tenant relocation during the planned renovations. 

At 6:18pm 

Art Greenblatt left the meeting. 

Mr. Bovilsky then turned the meeting over to Lisa Endo to present resident responses to Meadow Garden design changes.

a. Meadow Garden Redesign

Ms. Endo stated feedback primarily centered around the site plans and residents' navigation within the complex.  Residents expressed enthusiasm for the proposed additional parking and the elevator.  Commissioners responded positively to the detailed renderings, and Ms. Endo stated tenants were beginning to visualize what it will be like to live in the new development.  

Mr. Bovilsky stated that Charmaine Davis-Ford was not able to attend tonight's meeting to present data regarding the impact of an Eviction Moratorium on the Norwalk Housing Authority.

20-43 - Vice Chair Walcott made a motion to table:

b. Discussion of the Eviction Moratorium and its impact on NHA

Commissioner Church seconded the motion. 
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs

New Business

Mr. Bovilsky ceded the floor to Kras Carlucci who requested a change in the language of the NHA Administrative Plan. 

20-44 - Commissioner Church made of motion to:

a. Amend the Administrative Plan to reflect the following language: 
Norwalk Housing (NHA) will maintain and use a single administrative fee reserve to pay program administrative expenses more than administrative fee paid by HUD for NHA's fiscal year; use of unused funds for other housing purposes permitted by state and local law. Expenditures will not exceed $10,000 per occurrence that may be charged against the administrative fee reserve without the prior approval of the NHA's Board of Commissioners. 

Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. 

Ms. Carlucci noted this language modification was requested by HUD.

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs

20-45 - Commissioner Church moved to approve:

b. December 6 & 19, 2023 Minutes

Vice Chair Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church

All in Favor. Motion was carried. 

20-46 -Treasurer Walcott moved to approve:

c. Laura Gomez Climent, new NHA Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Coordinator to attend Nan McKay live seminar, March 12-14.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.

Mr. Bovilsky stated Laura Gomez is the new Norwalk Housing Family Self Sufficiency Coordinator (FSS). The purpose of this seminar is for her to learn all about FSS. This three-day training seminar presents full program information, including HUD regulations at a cost of $1000 ($825 for online seminar plus $175 certification exam). 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs

All in Favor. Motion was carried.

20-47 - Treasurer Walcott moved to approve:

d. Sophia Stewart to attend Spectrum Compliance C3P Tax Credit Certification Online Pre-Recorded Seminar at the Housing Authority discounted rate of $600. 

Commissioner Church seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs

All in Favor. Motion was carried.

Mr. Bovilsky stated that as Charmaine Davis-Ford was unable to attend the meeting, a finance report will not be presented.  
Wendy Gerbier took the floor to give a more in-depth view of the Learning Center and the monthly report.  Ms. Gerbier stated the Learning Centers focuses on academic support, enrichment activities, and social emotional learning (SEL).  The program provides year-round support including after-school during the school year and all-day programming 4 days a week during the summer months. The Learning Centers connect with the Norwalk Public Schools, Norwalk Acts, volunteers, and the LC's Student Success tutoring program to promote academic success and enrichment opportunities. In addition to academic support, the Learning Centers offer a variety of enrichment activities not typically available in the public schools. 
During the discussion, Commissioners explored strategies to boost student enrollment, enhance communication with parents and the public school, and refine academic support initiatives.  

20-48 - Commissioner Church moved to approve:

e. January 2024 Department reports

Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs

All in Favor. Motion was carried. 

Mr. Bovilsky then presented the Addendum.  

20-49 - Commissioner Church moved to approve:

g. Increase of Micro and Small purchase thresholds

Treasurer Walcott seconded the motion. 

Mr. Bovislky stated that this increase follows HUD guidelines. If approved increased Micro and Small limits would remove the time-consuming RFP process for reasonably priced purchases and services. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs

All in Favor. Motion was carried. 

At 8:15pm

Treasurer Walcott moved to adjourn the meeting.

Commissioner Church seconded the motion.   All in favor. 

Respectfully Submitted, 

 Adam Bovilsky 
 Executive Director