February 8, 2024 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting
A Regular Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners convened at 5:36pm February 08, 2024.
LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
PRESENT: Brenda Penn-Williams, Chair
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Vice Chair
Isaac Walcott, Commissioner
John Church, Commissioner
Teneshia Jacobs, Commissioner
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Charmaine Davis Ford, Director of Finance
Alison Mukhtar, Director of Operations
Lisa Endo, VP of Development
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Greg Lickwola, Director of Modernization
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Donna Lattarulo, General Council
Roll Call:
At 5:36pm, Chair Penn-Williams convened the meeting. During roll call Chair Penn-Williams noted that she had received a letter from Isaac Walcott resigning his position as Treasurer, noting he will remain on the Board of Commissioners. She then recognized Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery, Commissioner Isaac Walcott, Commissioner Church, and Commissioner Jacobs as present. Chair Penn-Williams noted that all commissioners were present, and that a quorum was established.
Report of the Secretary:
Mr. Bovilsky solicited feedback and presented the following updates:
a. Congressman Himes visited Oak Grove on January 23, 2024. During his tour, he highlighted the positive impact these new affordable housing units and the new Learning Center will have on the City of Norwalk. He also commented on the jobs created by the project.
b. January 19, 2024, a "continuing resolution" (short-term Federal Government funding extension) passed, averting a partial government shutdown. The next funding deadline is March 1, 2024. As this budget significantly affects our funding, Housing remains vigilant in monitoring the potential impact of a government shutdown on our agency.
c. Upcoming meetings:
Commissioner Retreat re: Learning Center Finance - Feb. 27, 2024, 6:00-8:00 at Envision Center 30 Day Street Norwalk CT
Regular Board Meeting - March 14, 2024, via ZOOM 5:30pm
Commissioner Training - March 26, 2024, 9:30-4:30 at HMTX Industries Norwalk Headquarters 27 Seir Hill Road, Norwalk CT 06850
Old Business:
Mr. Bovilsky then turned the meeting over to Charmaine Davis-Ford to present data for discussion regarding:
a. Eviction Moratorium and its impact on NHA
Ms. Davis-Ford began the discussion by highlighting the concern nationally over a trend of increasing Accounts Receivables (AR) across Housing Authorities in the United States post COVID. She emphasized that this trend, coupled with the NHA Eviction Moratorium has increased accounts receivables to a level higher than seen in recent years. She noted that increased AR has a negative impact on agency funding and HUD scoring of NHA. Chair Penn-Williams cut short the presentation and re-emphasized her commitment to the Eviction Moratorium and expressed that the Board does not want to evict residents during winter. However, Chair Penn-Williams indicated that the Board was prepared for the resumptions of evictions for nonpayment of rent effective April 1, 2024. Attorney Donna Lattarulo stated she is preparing for the resumption of evictions April 1, 2024, but noted the scheduled evictions may face a backup in housing court. Ms. Davis-Ford stated that on March 31st as part of its annual reporting, Norwalk Housing Authority is required to submit Accounts Receivables to HUD. That the timing of the end of the moratorium will make for a damaging report to HUD.
New Business:
Mr. Bovislky introduced the next item for consideration.
20-50 - Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery made a motion to authorize:
b. The Norwalk Housing Authority to utilize $2million in HUD held MTW flexible funding for renovations at the new headquarters building.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
Mr. Bovilsky presented a resolution seeking approval for an additional $2M to cover the cost of retrofitting the interior of the new headquarters building, in addition to the previously approved $2.2M purchase price of the property. Mr. Bovilsky emphasized the critical need for the additional office space this building would provide. Additionally, Mr. Bovilsky highlighted the strategic importance of the new headquarters building in the agency's plan to construct 150 affordable housing units utilizing the current location of both Leroy Downs and the current Norwalk Housing headquarters building. Commissioner Walcott stated he was not surprised by the building renovation costs. He sees this as an industry wide trend. Chair Penn-Williams stated she is not in favor of the additional expenditure related to a new headquarters building.
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
Chair Penn-Williams
The motion carried.
20-51 - Commissioner Walcott made a motion to approve:
b. Three (3) Section 8 inspectors and the Director of Housing Operations to attend the CONN NAHRO NSPIRE Inspection training Monday, February 26th - Wednesday, February 28th 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in Waterbury, CT at a cost of $550.00 per attendee.
Chair Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. The motion carried.
20-52- Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:
c. Commissioners and Staff to attend 2024 NAHRO Washington Conference April 8-10 to be held at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. Costs include the early bird registration of $595 per person when registration is completed by February 29th and a hotel room rate of $299 per night plus taxes and fees if the room is booked by March 15th.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor. The motion carried.
20-53 Commissioner Church moved to approve:
d. Commissioners and Staff to attend 2024 PHADA Annual Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans June 2-5, 2024, to be held at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. Costs include the early bird registration of $495 per person when registration is completed by May 3rd and hotel room rate of $239 plus taxes and fees per night if the room is booked by May 3rd.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Commissioner Church
All in Favor. The motion carried.
20-54 Commissioner Walcott moved to approve:
e. January 18, 2024, Minutes
Commissioner Church seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. The motion carried.
Mr. Bovilsky introduced the first Addendum.
20-55 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:
g. Leroy Fender, Joe Francis, and Maintenance Supervisors to attend the Nelrod web- based training program Creating and Updating Maintenance Plans.
Commissioner Church seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. The motion carried.
Mr. Bovilsky introduced the second Addendum.
20-56 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:
h. Section 8 and Public Housing Occupancy Specialists to complete Nelrod training Income Validation Tool (IVT) online training at a cost of $159.00 per attendee.
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. The motion carried.
During the discussion under item f. "Department Reports," Mr. Bovilsky yielded the floor to Nicole Ruffin who provided an overview of the Human Resource Department's functions. Ms. Ruffin also presented a summary of the racially diverse workforce at Norwalk Housing Authority (NHA), emphasizing the notable retention rate of 180 individuals spanning the ages of 19 to 80 and beyond. Following Ms. Ruffins' presentation, Mr. Bovilsky addressed the management demographics, stressing the significance of diversity and inclusion in the agency's hiring practices. He highlighted the agency's goal for the staff and management to mirror the community served by Norwalk Housing. Mr. Bovislky noted a gap in reflecting NHA Hispanic demographics and the current management team, indicating an area for potential improvement.
Ms. Davis-Ford then presented the highlights of the financial report.
20-57 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:
f. Department Reports
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. The motion carried.
All staff except for Ms. Davis-Ford and Attorney Donna Lattarulo left the ZOOM meeting.
20-58 Chair Penn-Williams made a motion to add discussion of Woodward Cliff to the Executive Session.
Commissioner Church seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. The motion carried.
20-59 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss:
Woodward Cliffs real estate transaction dispute
Resolution of talks with City of Norwalk regarding PILOT clarification Memorandum
Legal Matter -NHA vs The Hartford
Commissioner Church seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. Motion carried.
At 7:17pm Commissioners adjourned to the Executive Session
AT 7:56pm
20-60 Commissioner Church made a motion to move out of Executive Session.
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. Motion carried.
Commissioners moved into Regular Session.
20-61 Commissioner Church moved to approve the agreement with the City of Norwalk concerning the PILOT Memorandum of Understanding.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. Motion carried.
20-62 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to accept the settlement as outlined in the matter of NHA vs The Hartford.
Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. Motion carried.
At 7:59
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion.
As Commissioners were about to adjourn the meeting Mr. Bovislky requested that the meeting reopen to select of Treasurer.
20-63 Chair Penn-Williams moved to reopen the meeting to add the election of a new Treasurer to the agenda.
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. Motion carried.
20-64 Commissioner Walcott moved to nominate John Church as Treasurer.
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.
No other nominations were received from the floor.
Nominations were closed.
Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery
Treasurer Walcott
Commissioner Church
Commissioner Jacobs
All in Favor. Motion carried.
John Church stated that he would fill the position as Treasurer for the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk.
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to adjourn the meeting.
Chair Penn-Williams seconded the motion.
All if favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director