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May 16, 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners convened at 5:33pm May 16, 2024.

LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
PRESENT: Brenda Penn-Williams, Chair
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Vice Chair 
John Church, Treasurer
Isaac Walcott, Commissioner 
Teneshia Jacobs, Commissioner
STAFF ATTENDING: Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Anna Keegan, Director of MTW and Policy 
Alison Mukhtar, Director of Operations
Charmaine Davis-Ford, Director of Finance
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Linda Rolle, Director of Grants Norwalk Housing Foundation 
Josiah Francis, Assistant Director of Maintenance
Greg Lickwola, Director of Modernization
Donna Lattarulo, General Council  

PUBLIC ATTENDING: Arthur Greenblatt, Vesta Corp LLC
Steven Rice, Vesta Corp LLC
Roll Call:

At 5:35pm, Chair Penn-Williams opened the meeting. Acknowledging the presence of a quorum, Chair Penn-Williams then recognized Vice Chair Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Treasurer John Church, Commissioner Isaac Walcott, and Commissioner Teneshia Jacobs as present.

Report of the Secretary:

Mr. Bovilsky presented the following updates:

a. The Norwalk Housing Foundation has recently received the following donations:
$20,000 from the Kashulon Foundation, $10,000 from Near and Far and a $2,500 from a new supporter, 2024 Sapienza block grant, donated through the New Canaan Community Fund. 

b. The Norwalk Housing Authority has received our Capital Fund allocation for fiscal year 2024-2025 in the amount of $2,682,690. As Meadow Gardens was removed from the NHA portfolio this amount is larger than expected. We had anticipated a 6% reduction in funding.

c. We are all saddened by the sudden death of Ricky Fuller. Ricky was an integral part of instruction at the Colonial Village Learning Center. The Colonial Village Learning Center garden was his idea and he did a great job engaging students in learning through the garden. A meaningful balloon release was held in his honor and I will be asking you to authorize the NHA to name the CV garden in his honor.

d. On April 26th, the STEM Expo was held at Stepping Stones Museum. Students also participated in an abridged workshop version of the musical Matilda. This musical production was sponsored by The Music Theatre of Connecticut School of Performing Arts (MTC). Additionally, Learning Center students took part in an author event featuring Lizzie Rockwell, who also is the volunteer who runs the NHA Community Quilt Project. 

e. Norwalk Housing was invited to apply for funding from the Department of Housing (DOH) and the Connecticut Finance Authority (CHFA) for the development of Meadow Gardens. We are requesting $8,000,000 in funding. To meet DOH requirements, we were required to change the unit mix from 55 to 59 as part of this request. 

f. 20 West Elevator repair started May 14, 2024, and should take approximately 2 weeks to complete. Assistance is being provided to residents having trouble using the stairs while the elevator is inoperable. 

g.  Major Events - 
• May 18, 2024 - Mayors Ball - NHF and Person to Person are beneficiaries
• July 31, 2024- NHF Ceremony awaiting confirmation of venue
• Pending move to a new central office
• 10/2024 Implementation of HOTMA, Annual plan / 5-year plan / MTW Supplement due 2.5 months early 
• 12/2024 software system switch to PHA Web sometime in December
• 1/2025 Opening of Oak Grove 
h. Dates and Times of future meetings - May 18th Mayors Ball, June 13, 2024 @ 5:30pm Annual Meeting, July 11th @ 5:30pm next Regular meeting

New Business:
Mr. Bovilsky presented the Eversource Easement allowing access to Oak Grove. This would allow Eversource to install and operate the electrical grid that will serve Oak Grove. 

20-94 Commissioner Walcott made a motion to approve:

a. Oak Grove Eversource Easement

Commissioner Church seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
All in favor by show of hands. Motion carried. 

Mr. Bovilsky presented the motion to accept the $1,800,000 CIF Grant from the State of Connecticut, acting through its Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), to the Norwalk Redevelopment Agency (Applicant). The funds will be granted by Redevelopment to the Norwalk Housing Authority (NHA) to assist with financing the affordable housing and learning center at Oak Grove. 

20-95 Treasurer Church moved to accept:

b. The CIF Grant in the amount of One Million Eight Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($1,800,000.00) meeting all DECD requirements, to assist with the development of Oak Grove.
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

Mr. Bovilsky introduced the next item: the Assignment, Assumption and Amendment of Housing Assistance Payments Contract (Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program) by the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk; Monterey Village LLC ("Assignor"); and Vesta Monterey Village LLC.

20-96 Commissioner Walcott moved to approve:

c.  Adam Bovilsky to sign the extension of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract for operation of Vesta Monterey Village LLC. for the maximum term allowable in accordance with HUD regulations.

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 

 Adam explained that this includes the assignment of the HAP agreement to Vesta Corp.  Arthur Greenblatt and Steven Rice of Vesta Corp addressed Chair Penn-Williams concerns regarding the relocation of families during the rehab of Monterey Village. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Motion was carried. 

Treasurer Church briefly left the meeting and did not vote on this resolution.

Arthur Greenblatt and Steven Rice left the meeting.

Adam Bovilsky asked Wendy Gerbier to introduce the next item on the agenda regarding the closing of the King Kennedy Learning Center (KKLC). Ms. Gerbier stated that the King Kennedy Learning Center faces challenges including state licensing eligibility and space constraints. In addition, the City of Norwalk will not be renewing KKLC exemption from licensing beyond June 30, 2026. Given the impending transition of the Roodner Court Learning Center (RCLC) Lead to another role within NHA, closing KKLC now seems timely. The KKLC Lead coordinator could be appointed as the Lead coordinator at RCLC and the remaining staff could be redistributed to other centers to fill vacancies. Students could transfer seamlessly to the 20 West Learning Center (20WLC), where they have familiarity. Staff redistribution would facilitate this transition without downsizing.

20-97 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve: 

d.  Closure of the King Kennedy Learning Center

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion.

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Motion was carried. 

Treasurer Church and Chair Penn-Williams were not present for this vote. 

Mr. Bovilsky turned the meeting over to Kras Carlucci to present the next item for Commissioners' approval: the Assisted Living Support Agreement (ALSA) for Ludlow Commons Seniors. This agreement continues services currently provided by Utopia from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. There will be no increase in cost to Ludlow Commons residents or Norwalk Housing. 

20-98 Commissioner Walcott moved to approve:

e. Continuation of assisted living services provided by Utopia to residents of Ludlow Commons. 

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs
Motion was carried. 

Treasurer Church and Chair Penn-Williams were not present for this vote. 

Mr. Bovilsky turned the meeting over to Charmaine Davis-Ford to present the next item for approval: Ludlow Commons Management and Congregate Services Plan effective July 1, 2024. Ms. Davis-Ford stated the Congregate Plan covers all other services offered at Ludlow Commons including one full hot meal per day, 12 hours of housekeeping services and 24-hour attendants on duty. A part-time Social Service coordinator is also available. Ms. Davis-Ford stated we are requesting a $24 increase for Congregate services with no increase in rent for the July 2024 to June 2025 fiscal year. 

20-99 Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:

f. Ludlow Commons Management and Congregate Services Plan 2024-2025

Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

Motion was carried

At 6:14pm Chair Penn-Williams rejoined the meeting and was able to participate in the vote regarding Ludlow Commons.

Treasurer Church was not present.

Mr. Bovilsky turned the meeting over to Anna Keegan to present the changes and updates in the Colonial Village Tenant Selection Plan. Ms. Keegan explained that these changes, prompted by the HUD Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) aim to reduce the burden on public housing agencies, by modifying and simplifying existing regulations. Ms. Keegan reviewed the details of the changes and focused on how these changes affect the Colonial Village Tenant Selection Plan. 

30-00 Commissioner Walcott moved to approve:

g. Colonial Village Tenant Selection Plan

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

Motion was carried.

Treasurer Church was not present for this vote. 

30-01 Commissioner Walcott moved to approve:

h. Minutes of the April 11, 2024, meeting. 
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

Motion was carried. 

Treasurer Church was not present for this vote. 

Mr. Bovilsky introduced Charmaine Davis-Ford to present the Finance Report. Ms. Davis-Ford first focused on  the tenant Accounts Receivable report referencing Norwalk Housings' efforts to assist sixty-two (62) households who are behind on rent. Repayments agreements have been established. She also noted the number of families issued Notices to Quit because they were unable to complete a repayment agreement and have fallen behind on rent payments. 

With the goal of preventing evictions, Chair Penn-Williams requested that Norwalk Housing initiate a program aimed at assisting residents who are behind on their rent. Mr. Bovilsky mentioned that an eviction prevention program had been tried previously but was underutilized by families needing assistance. He suggested that it might be time to reconsider and re-address the possibility of implementing such a program. 
Ms. Davis- Ford returned to her report reviewing the Operating Statements. 

Adam Bovilsky stated that Linda Rolle would be making a presentation on the Norwalk Housing Foundation as part of the NHF meeting to be held at the close of this meeting. 

Mr. Bovislky then introduced the addendum. 

30-02 Commissioner Walcott moved to approve:

j.  The naming of the Colonial Village Learning Center Garden after Richard Fuller.

Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. 

Mr. Bovilsky stated that Ricky Fuller was the driving force behind the Colonial Village Learning Center Gardens. He clarified that the addendum was requesting approval to name the gardens, rather than the Learning Center, after Richard/Ricky Fuller. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

Motion was carried

Treasurer Church was not present for this vote. 

The Department reports were not approved during this meeting. 

At 6:48pm Mr. Bovilsky excused staff not involved in the Executive Session. Charmaine Davis-Ford, Linda Rolle, Kras Carlucci and Attorney Donna Lattarulo were invited to remain for the Executive Session.

At 6:49pm Treasurer Church returned to the meeting.

30-03 Commissioner Walcott made a motion to move into Executive Session to discuss three (3) real estate items.

Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

Motion was carried.

The Commissioner moved into Executive Session. 

At 7:05pm Commissioner Walcott made a motion to exit the Executive Session and return to the Regular Session.

Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

Commissioners moved out of the Executive Session.

The Commissioners postponed the discussion of two items from the Executive Session. 

30-04 Commissioner Church moved to deny the offer by Spinnaker Real Estate Partners to purchase the 79 South Main Street property.

Commissioner Walcott seconded the motion. 

Chair Penn-Williams
Vice Chair Bermúdez-Montgomery 
Treasurer Church
Commissioner Walcott
Commissioner Jacobs

All in favor. Motion was carried. 

At 7:08pm Commissioner Church moved to adjourn the meeting. 
Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion to adjourn. 

All in Favor. The meeting was adjourned at 7:09pm.

Respectfully Submitted, 


 Adam Bovilsky 
 Executive Director