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August 28, 2019 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting

The Special Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk was held at 5:00 PM August 29, 2019.


Colonial Village Learning Center

128 Scribner Avenue

Norwalk, CT 06854 

Ramirez, Chairman
Jeffrey Ingraham, Vice Chairman
Sheri M. Brown, Treasurer
Brenda Penn-Williams, Commissioner
Rahoul Dupervil, Commissioner

Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Kara Capone, Development and Grants Director
Thomas Hickey, Finance Director
Greg Lickwola, Construction Manager
Guy Rocco, Director of Maintenance
Tom Ivers, CNI Director
Kras Carlucci, Director of Operations
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Patrick Lee, Trinity Financial
Michael Lozano, Trinity Financial
Siena DeSantis, Trinity Financial
Leigh Morfoot, Kin Observer Videography
Jason Morfoot, Kin Observer Videography


Meeting opened at 5:26 PM.

Adam Bovilsky recognized Chairman Ramirez. Chairman Ramirez established the presence of a quorum and opened the meeting. It was at this time Chairman Ramirez requested a roll call of attendees.

Report of the Secretary

Adam Bovilsky noted HUD approved NHA internal audit for fiscal year ending March 31, 2018. Chairman Ramirez then suggested the order of this meeting be changed to reflect;

New Business:

4 a. Trinity Financial Funding and Development Status Soundview Landing Phase lll as the next item of discussion.

Patrick Lee took the floor stating Trinity Financial appreciates its partnership with Norwalk Housing Board of Commissioners. This partnership has allowed completion of Soundview Landing Phase 1, the beginning construction of Phase ll. His team were present this evening to present Phase lll financing strategy.

16-30 Commissioner Ingraham moved to approve:

4 a. Trinity Financial Phase lll Funding Strategy.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

Commissioner discussed in detail both Washington Village/Soundview Phase lll financing and Development Status.


Commissioner Ramirez
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams


All in Favor. Motion Carried.


Chairman Ramirez offered a request for the addition of extra security cameras to the outside of Phase ll and Phase lll buildings.

At 6:15 Patrick Lee, Michael Lozano and Sienna DeSantis left the meeting.

At 6:30, Adam Bovilsky and Commissioners recessed the meeting to tour Colonial Village.

At 7:02, Commissioners returned to the meeting.

Adam Bovilsky noted the next item on the agenda was election of officers. He opened nominations for Chairman.


Old Business:

16-31 Brenda Penn-Williams moved to:

Nominate Caesar Ramirez as Chairman of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.


Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commission Penn-Williams
Commissioner Brown

Chairman Ramirez

All in favor. Motion carried.


16-32 Chairman Ramirez moved to:

Nominate Jeffrey Ingraham as Vice Chairman of the Norwalk Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion. 


Commissioner Ramirez
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Brown

Commissioner Ingraham

All is favor. Motion carried.

16-33 Commissioner Penn Williams moved to:

Nominate Sheri Brown as Treasurer of the Norwalk Housing Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.


Commissioner Ramirez
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams

Commissioner Brown

All in favor. Motion carried.


Commissioners returned to New Business:

16-34 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:

b. Subject to HUD approval, authorize allocation of $500,000 of CNI program income for the establishment of CNI Endowment Trust and $150,000 of CNI Program income to fund capital improvements and office build-out at the 30-Day Street Resource Center.

Commissioner Ingraham seconded the motion.


Commissioner Ramirez
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Brown


All in favor. Motion carried.

As part of the vote to approve the establishment of the CNI Endowment Trust


16-35 Commissioner Brown moved to:

Authorize the Norwalk Housing Executive Director to sign Endowment trust agreements on behalf of the Norwalk Housing Authority.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

All in favor. Motion was carried.


16-36 Commissioner Ingraham moved to approve:

c. Award contract in the amount of $496,000 with M &R Contractors, Farmington CT to replace windows siding, doors and repave parking lot at Ludlow Commons.

Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.


Commissioner Ramirez
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Brown


All in favor. Motion carried.


16-37 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:

d. Staff and Commissioners to attend the NAHRO Conference, CONNECT TO PARTNERS, to be held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, 900 E. Market Street, San Antonio TX at a registration cost of $575.00 and Marriot Riverwalk and Rivercenter room rate of $239.00 per night

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.


Commissioner Ramirez
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Brown


All in Favor. Motion was carried.


Greg Lickwola took the floor to present preliminary plans, drawings and planning stages regarding the upgrades to Colonial Village. Commissioners comments and suggestions were solicited.

At 8:05 PM, Commissioner Brown moved to adjourn to the Meeting. Commissioner Ingraham seconded the motion.

All in favor. Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,
Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director/Secretary