April 8, 2021 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk was held at 6:08 PM Thursday April 8, 2021.
LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference
Jeffery A. Ingraham, Chairman
Sheri Brown, Treasurer
Rahoul Dupervil, Commissioner
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Commissioner (Arrived at 7:20)
Brenda Penn-Williams, Vice Chair
Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Paul Modugno, Acting Director of Finance
Kras Carlucci, Director of Operations
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Lisa Roger, Envision Center Project Manager
Tom Ivers, CNI Director
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance
Meeting began at 6:08 PM.
Adam Bovilsky opened the meeting via Zoom video and recognized the following present - Chairman Ingraham, Treasurer Sheri Brown, and Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil. Chairman Ingraham acknowledged the existence of a quorum.
Report of the Secretary:
Mr. Bovilsky presented the following updates:
- RE: COVID 19 - NHA sponsored private clinics resulting in the vaccination of 100 residents. Almost all Maintenance Staff are vaccinated. Much of Headquarters' staff is in the process of immunization. With vaccinations increasing Norwalk Housing will soon be able to be open its Headquarters building to the public.
- Most of the website framework, logos, and artwork is complete. The next step is the transfer of substantive content.
- Norwalk Housing signed an MOU with Mutual Housing effective April 15, 2021, establishing NHA as the manager of the 4-6 Arch Street property.
- April 19th Anna Keegan will be joining our staff as the Director of Housing Operations. Ms. Keegan will bring a wealth of experience to Norwalk Housing.
- Upcoming Board meetings scheduled May 13th and June 10th will be held in a virtual format.
New Business:
Adam Bovilsky introduced Paul Modugno to comment on the 2021-2022 16 School Street Management Plan. Paul stated gross rents will remain the same as last year.
17- 55 Commissioner Ingraham moved to approve:
a. 16 School Street Management Plan 2021-2022
Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
All in favor. Motion was carried. Motion was carried.
17-56 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:
b. CNI Budget Amendment
Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.
Tom Ivers stated this budget is designed to spend down the remaining CNI funds. The current $163,000 retained in a service account will be moved to an administrative account.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Mr. Ivers confirmed the grant ends September 30, 2021. The final product will be a Phase 3 Ribbon Cutting ceremony to be held October or November 2021.
All in favor. Motion was carried.
Mr. Bovilsky then started a discussion on the following:
c. Discussion items:
Kras Carlucci took the floor describing:
1 - A proposed change to NHA Administrative Plan offering a chronic homeless preference stating 1 of every 4 vouchers issued from the NHA waiting list will be offered to any family that meets HUD's definition of homeless. If there are no chronic homeless families at the time of NHA voucher issuance access will be offered in accordance with prioritization established by the Coordinated Access Network (CAN) guidelines.
Lisa Roger took the floor to describe:
2 - The Norwalk Housing Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program. This 5 Year program accepts resident meeting specific requirements. The resident by signing a contract with an FSS case worker establishes a specific goal such as home ownership, earning a GED, or graduation form college or technical training program. The FSS program is supported by a yearly grant.
Kras Carlucci again took the floor to describe:
3 - Section 8 reporting data presented every month. This includes monthly listing of type and number of vouchers entered in HUD's PIH Information Center (PIC) system. The data base is maintained by NHA operations staff and includes annual recertifications, income verification, and any data reflecting a change in resident status.
At 7:20 Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery joined the meeting.
Mr. Bovilsky requested:
d. Minutes: January 14, 2021 and March 11, 2021 be approved in separate motions.
17-57 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:
- Minutes of the January 14, 2021 meeting
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
All if favor. Motion was carried.
17-58 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
- Minutes of the March 11, 2021 meeting
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
All if favor. Motion was carried.
17-59 Commissioner Dupervil moved to approve:
e. Department Reports
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.
Chairman Ingraham suggested Commissioners proceed with the approval of item e. Department Reports with the understanding if a question or needed clarification arises, it would be possible to return to the reports.
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
All in Favor. Motion was carried.
Commissioners moved to adjourn the meeting.
At 7:28 PM the meeting ended.
Respectfully Submitted,
Adam Bovilsky,
Executive Director