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January 14, 2021 Board of Commissioner's Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting

The Regular Meeting the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk was held at 6:00 PM Thursday January 11, 2021.

LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference


Jeffery A. Ingraham, Chairman
Brenda Penn-Williams, Vice Chair
Sheri Brown, Treasurer
Rahoul Dupervil, Commissioner
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Commissioner


Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Paul Modugno, Acting Director of Finance
Kras Carlucci, Director of Operations
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Greg Lickwola, Director of Modernization
Donna Lattarulo, Attorney


Meeting began at 6:08 PM.

Chairman Ingraham opened the meeting via Zoom video and recognized the following commissioners present - Vice Chair Brenda Penn-Williams, Treasurer Sheri Brown, Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, and Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil. Chairman Ingraham noted existence of a quorum.

Report of the Secretary:

Mr. Bovilsky presented updates on the following:

  • Norwalk Housing Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) grant in the amount of $144,000 was renewed. Eight (8) graduates recently completed this five (5) year program.
  • Norwalk Housing has seen an increase in Section 8 administrative funding received from HUD.
  • Outreach to interested Harvard Alums has resulted in substantial interest in individualized tutoring of Learning Center students. Candidates are currently being screened and trained.
  • Monthly report of Soundview Landing Workforce hiring was reviewed. Soundview Landing Phase 3 Grand Opening is scheduled June of this year.
  • Norwalk Housing residents still reflect low COVID19 numbers. We are currently preparing Ludlow Commons residents for vaccine distribution.
  • Colonial Village Phase One construction goals should be meet by February 15th.
  • Upcoming Board Meetings are scheduled for February 11th and March 11th. They will be held in the Zoom virtual format.

17-39 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:

a. Amendment to Ryder to contract with Stull & Lee in the amount of $18,500 for unanticipated sewer capacity analysis required by City for Proposed Development at Colonial Village.

Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.

Adam stated monies set aside for unanticipated expenditures were factored into the project budget.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery



All if Favor. Motion was carried.

Mr. Bovilsky then introduced Jodie Elizabeth Jeffrey of Brooks Jeffrey Marketing. NHA has contracted with Brooks Jeffrey Marketing to provide rebranding and website services. Jodie introduced:

b. Brooks Jeffrey's recommendation of new Norwalk Housing logos plus updated Mission and Vision Statement.

Adam suggested voting separately on each portion of item b.

17-40 Commissioner Brown moved to adopt the new Mission statement:

b.-1 The purpose of Norwalk Housing is to build, maintain and preserve affordable housing through well managed, mixed income properties that strengthen our communities.

For flexibility and branding purposes Ms. Jeffrey noted new branding would refer to the agency as Norwalk Housing versus Norwalk Housing Authority. Mr. Bovilsky noted the legal name remains The Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery

Commissioner Dupervil


Motion carried.

17-41 Commissioner Brown moved to adopt a new Vision Statement:

b.-2 Norwalk Housing will empower residents to achieve self-sufficiency through innovative partnerships that encourage personal and professional growth.

Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery

Commissioner Brown stated both Mission and Vision statement were a step into the future of Norwalk Housing.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery



All if Favor. Motion was carried.

17-43 Commissioner Dupervil moved to adopt:

b.-3 New logo consisting of Brooks Jeffrey's Housing images Option 1 and Brooks Jeffrey's lettering of Option 3.

Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.

Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams



All in Favor. Motion was carried.


17-44 Commissioner Dupervil moved to adopt:

b.-4 Separate logo for the Learning Center

Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.

Commissioner agreed that use of the current slogan, Planting seeds for Success, was effective and could be used along with the new logo.


Commissioner Brown
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Penn-Williams



All in favor. Motion was carried.


17-45 Commissioner Dupervil moved to adopt the following Norwalk Housing slogan:

b.-5 Improving housing, Engaging minds, and Enriching lives.

Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.

At the suggestion of Chairman Ingham, Commissioners amended the wording to read:

Enhancing housing, Engaging minds, and Enriching lives.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery



All in favor. Motion was carried.


At 7:23

Commissioner Penn-Williams stepped away from the meeting.

Jodie Elizabeth Jeffrey left the meeting.


17-46 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:

c. Commissioners and staff to attend NERC/NAHRO Mid-Winter Virtual Conference February 8 -9 at a cost of $150.00 per attendee.

Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery



All in favor. Motion was carried.


At 7:28
Commissioner Penn-Williams returned to the meeting.

Commissioner Dupervil moved to discuss addendum. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. All Commissioners we in favor.


Mr. Bovilsky solicited Commissioners comments regarding:

1. HUD Moving to Work Cohorts 3 & 4

A formal vote was not requested but Commissioners expressed interest in the concept, requirements and benefits of developing Norwalk Housing as Move to Work (MTW) agency. In addition, they expressed interest specifically in Cohort 3, "Landlord Incentives".


The discussion returned to items remaining.


17-47 Commissioner Brown moved to approved:

e. December 17, 2020 Minutes

Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery



All if Favor. Motion was carried.


17-48 Commissioner Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:

f. Department Reports

Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.

Paul Modugno noted due to COVID-19 AMP rental income had decreased. The budget presented reflected this loss.


Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Dupervil
Commissioner Penn-Williams
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery



All in Favor. Motion was carried.


At 7:55

Commissioner Brown moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Dupervil seconded the motion.

All in Favor.

At 7:27

The meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,
Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director/ Secretary