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September 9th, 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting

The Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Norwalk was held at 6:00 PM Thursday September 09, 2021.

LOCATION: Zoom Video Conference


Jeffery A. Ingraham, Chair
Sheri Brown, Treasurer
Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery, Commissioner
Brenda Penn-Williams, Vice Chair

ABSENT: Rahoul Dupervil, Commissioner


Adam Bovilsky, Executive Director
Anna Keegan, Director of Housing Operations
Wendy Gerbier, Director of Learning Centers
Kras Carlucci, Deputy Director
Nicole Ruffin, Director of Human Resources
Leroy Fender, Director of Maintenance
Donna Lattarulo, Legal Counsel

Meeting began at 6:03 PM.

Chairman Ingraham opened the meeting via Zoom video and recognized the following present - Vice Chair Brenda Penn-Williams, Treasurer Sheri Brown, and Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery. He noted Commissioner Rahoul Dupervil would not be attending. He then acknowledged the existence of a quorum.

Report of the Secretary:
Mr. Bovilsky presented the following updates:

- DIMEO Section 3 Workforce Update was accepted by the commissioners. Mr. Bovilsky noted DIMEO would make their final presentation regarding Soundview Landing Section 3 and Minority Owned Businesses hiring at an upcoming meeting after their work is complete

- RE - Colonial Village Phase 1 renovations are progressing as planned. Negotiations with Heritage Housing as potential builder of new units comprising Phase 2 is ongoing.

- RE - COVID 19 - Cases of the Delta variant in Norwalk Housing have dropped. Regarding the COVID 19 vaccine mandate approved at the last meeting - Most of the staff favors working with vaccinated co-workers. Compliance with this mandate requires Norwalk Housing staff  to submit proof of full vaccination to Human Resources by November 1, 2021. Exemption will be granted for health or religious reasons. Unvaccinated employees will be required to undergo weekly testing. The vaccination mandate will hopefully pave the way for a possible November 1, 2021 full staff return to office date.

- RE- Ludlow Commons RFP - The contract with Human Services Council (HCS) is expiring.  Norwalk Housing is required to advertise an RFP for Ludlow Commons management services.  After the RFP is posted and responses are evaluated a service provider will be selected.

- Soundview Landing Phase lll Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held at 11:00 am September 20, 2021 at Ryan Park. Commissioners are invited to attend and encouraged to make an appointment to view the new EnVision Center.

- RE- Upcoming dates - September 16th - Public Hearing regarding the Norwalk Housing Move to Work Application. September 30th is the Special Meeting the purpose of which is to ask Commissioners to formally approve the MTW Landlord Flexibility Cohort #4 application. Adam noted MTW agency selections are done by lottery. Regarding the November 11th Board meeting, due to Veterans Day Holiday the meeting will be moved to November 18th.

New Business:

a. Discussion regarding utilization of Eviction Prevention Cases workers was tabled until the October meeting so that Commissioner Dupervil could take part. 

b. Norwalk Housing Designated Housing Plan.

Kras Carlucci took the floor. She stated the  Designated Housing Plan is the plan which allows the NHA to designate certain developments as "Senior Only." It was initially approved for a five-year period and every two years thereafter NHA has requested renewal of that plan. The most recent renewal designation remains in effect until .January 11, 2022. Norwalk Housing has requested from HUD a two-year renewal through January 11, 2024. There are no adjustments or changes to previously submitted plans. Ms. Carlucci noted a resident must be over the age of 62 to qualify for Senior unit and that one complex, Ludlow Commons, is designated for Seniors and Disabled residents.

c. Designation of CNI Developer Fee Funds for Headquarters Accessibility and Leroy Downs Security renovations was tabled until the October 14th meeting so that greater detail as to the cost of the work could be included in the discussion.

17-85 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:

d. Commissioners to attend CONN-NAHRO Annual Conference and Convention September 26-29, to be held at Mohegan Sun Convention Center, Uncasville CT.

Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Penn-Williams

All in favor. Motion was unanimous.

17-86 Commissioner Brown moved to approve:

e. Minutes of the August 12, 2021.

Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery seconded the motion.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Brenda Penn-Williams

All in favor. Motion was unanimous.

17-87 Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to approve:

f. September Department Reports

Commissioner Brown seconded the motion.

Commissioner Ingraham
Commissioner Sheri Brown
Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery
Commissioner Penn-Williams

All in favor. Motion was carried.

At 7:00 pm

Commissioner Liza Bermúdez-Montgomery moved to adjourn the meeting.

All in favor.

The meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Adam Bovilsky
Executive Director